Artie Richer
Artie Richer was born Arthur Patrick Richer on November 12, 1926 in New York City, NY. Artie studies at the Finch-Warshaw art school in Los Angeles, Ca.
His first solo show was held at the Syndell Gallery in 1955. He followed up with another solo and a group show at the Ferus Gallery from 1957-59.
He and his family were featured in Life magazine in 1959 in article called “Squareville vs. Beatsville”. He was also featured in the book “The Holy Barbarians”.
Artie moved his family to the bay area and had his last show in Wallace Berman’s Semina Gallery in 1961. Much of his worked was lost in a fire or is now part of the Dr. Wennesland collection in Norway.
Information and bio from Lauri Richer.